quinta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2007

If Lucy Fell

If Lucy Fell is a portuguese band that play a new kind of rock, they call it ''nervous rock'' which is appropriated, because of their ''dancing rock riffs'', and their drum with loads of speed stuff. They were born in 2004, by Hélio M. - drums; Makoto Y. - vocals; Pedro C. - bass and finally Rui C. guitar.
Their first demo-cd was released in 2005, and because of that amazing demo they started touring in Portugal. After releasing the demo and touring, they released their first cd ''You Make Me nNervous'', and it was such a success in Portugal that they have played with some of the biggest bands in Europe! Bands like These Arms Are Snakes, Planes Mistaken For Stars, even with Deftones and Alice In Chains!
I've already seen them live, and believe me, your head will explode! Check them at www.myspace.com/iflucyfellrock.


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